Prozitude = Proactive Positive attitude

Positive quotes and messages for positive people.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sarcastic lines from John Amos' character, James Evans Sr., on Good Times:


When someone's being overly cautious:
"You're so careful, you'd probably put a helmet on a goldfish."

Sarcastic lines from John Amos' character, James Evans Sr., on Good Times:

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Another kink in the law

"Another kink in the law" by J zen Oz

(sang to the tune of "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" by Pink Floyd)

We don't need yellow journalism

We don't need unjust control
No stalled-out actions in the courtroom
Sessions leave them kids alone
Hey! Sessions! Leave them kids alone
All in all, it's just another kink in the law
All in all, it’s just another kink in the law

We don't need yellow journalism
We don't need unjust control
No stalled-out actions in the courtroom
Sessions leave them kids alone
Hey! Sessions! Leave them All alone
All in all, it's just another kink in the law
All in all, it’s just another kink in the law

"It is Scheduled, you can't have any CBD
How can it be Scheduled, it has medical value?"
"You! Yes, you Nixon, read the Shafer report!
Medical value! Nothing to schedule!


Folk Song as Cultural Expression: "A Kink in the Law"
is a quintessential folk song in that it: Reflects Shared Experiences: The song resonates
with a broad audience, tapping into a shared experience of frustration and
confusion over the legal status of cannabis.
Preserves Cultural Heritage: By addressing
a contemporary issue through traditional folk music, the song helps to preserve and
transmit cultural knowledge and values.
Empowers Individuals: The song's message of
defiance and empowerment inspires listeners
to challenge prevailing norms and
advocate for social change. Relevance in the 21st Century:
Despite significant progress in recent years,
including the legalization of cannabis in many states,
the song's themes remain relevant today.
The ongoing debate over federal legalization,
the challenges faced by the cannabis industry,
and the persistent stigma surrounding
the plant highlight the need for further reforms. In conclusion, "A Kink in the Law" serves
as a powerful reminder of the historical and ongoing struggle to legalize cannabis. By exploring the complexities
of the issue through the lens of folk music, the song offers a valuable perspective on the
cultural and political forces that have shaped the debate.

"You! Yes, you Nixon, read the Shafer report!"= Nixon-Shafer.pdf (
Medical value! Nothing to schedule!

The following is from Nixon-Shafer.pdf. An article discussing reports at the time of scheduling decision "National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, “Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding; First Report,” Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. Reprinted by Signet.
The Scheduling put in place in the 1970s is still active over 50 years later. The scheduling was put in place without valid scientific findings and remains in place in 2024.

"Both reports dispelled such allegations and myths.” Shafer knew that his report had been tossed into the circular file by Richard Nixon, but he could not believe that strict prohibition would last much longer (now that millions of white folks were using marijuana): “Although the Commission’s report, like the LaGuardia Committee Report, has been subject to criticism,” he wrote, “it is unlikely that its findings or recommendations will suffer the fate of the latter —to wait almost 30 years before the public is ready to accept or at least debate dispassionately the issues raised...

 The tail end of the song captures the faint details similar to pudding lines with helicopter noise  
  "It is Scheduled, you can't have any CBD
How can it be Scheduled, it has medical value?"
"You! Yes, you Nixon, read the Shafer report!
Medical value! Nothing to schedule!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Release, Rise and Reclaim

Release = eclipse symbolize endings.

Reflect on what no longer serves you and be open to change.

 "By the light of the moon so bright,

I release what's heavy, blocking my sight.

Old wounds, old fears, I now set free,

With love and grace, I return to me.

From shadows light, rise and reclaim, 

My spirit renewed, no longer the same.

I trust the flow, I now release, 

With open heart, I welcome peace.

And so it is."

Moon Eclipse photo by Ant Miller

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

S.S. Freshness

My wife and I were planning to attend a cruise to Alaska. She heard that the cabins let smells linger. She learned of a simple but effective product to make for a better experience. 

When you do not have a bathroom window to open and you are Not to light a match,,, 

Mist a skim in the bowl to trap the stench from delivering a smack in the nose.

Link to Load Sprays

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever faced the mortifying prospect of leaving a scented signature in the bathroom that's more potent than your personality? Fear not, for we have located a miraculous elixir that will cloak your commode capers. Introducing the Poo-Pourri of the high seas: the revolutionary toilet spray that's taking the cruise industry by storm! Just a spritz of this aromatic concoction before you go, and voilĂ  – the only thing making waves will be the ocean outside. This nifty little lifesaver is infused with natural oils, creating an olfactory barrier as impenetrable as the hull of your luxury liner. So, go ahead, indulge in that extra helping of baked Alaska; your discreet deodorizer has got your back... and your backside. 

Bon voyage and happy spritzing! 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Get your ducks in a row

These little rubber ducks are a literal interpretation of the idiom 
"to get your ducks in a row", 

which means to organize or prepare things in order to achieve a goal.

Prozitude Tip:

You can get your ducks via  a Prozitude link to your ducks

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Iterations till pushing daises

 "The iterations of self should only end when you're pushing daises." Jason Miller (Second Skin)

                                               "Epic Nikon flower" Anthony Miller

Gaslighting in "Tucker and Dale vs Evil": A Prozitude Perspective


Gaslighting in "Tucker and Dale vs Evil": A Prozitude Perspective

Unmasking the Illusion

The horror-comedy film "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" offers a unique perspective on the insidious nature of gaslighting. While the plot centers around a group of college students who mistakenly believe two innocent hillbillies are murderous psychopaths, the film's underlying message is a powerful exploration of how prejudice can distort reality and manipulate perceptions.

The Power of Perception

The college students in the film are initially drawn to the stereotype of the backwoods hillbilly, a figure often portrayed as uneducated, violent, and dangerous. Their preconceived notions about Tucker and Dale, coupled with their own fear and paranoia, lead them to misinterpret the duo's harmless actions as sinister threats. This is a classic example of gaslighting, where individuals are manipulated into doubting their own sanity or perceptions.

The Importance of Empathy

"Tucker and Dale vs Evil" serves as a stark reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding. By challenging our preconceived notions and stereotypes, we can avoid falling victim to gaslighting and cultivate more compassionate relationships. The film's humor and horror elements serve to highlight the absurdity of the situation, while also emphasizing the real-world consequences of prejudice and misjudgment.

A Prozitude Perspective

From a Prozitude perspective, the film encourages us to approach life with a positive and open-minded attitude. By cultivating empathy and understanding, we can create a more harmonious and inclusive world. The film's message is a powerful reminder that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or appearance.


"Tucker and Dale vs Evil" is a thought-provoking film that explores the dangerous consequences of gaslighting and the importance of challenging our preconceived notions. By understanding the power of perception and cultivating empathy, we can create a more just and compassionate society.

Quotes from College Students in "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" Highlighting Growth and Learning

  1. "I think we might have gotten this all wrong." - This line from one of the surviving college students indicates a realization of their initial mistake and a willingness to learn from it.
  2. "We were so quick to judge." - This quote acknowledges the students' prejudice and their role in the tragic events.
  3. "Maybe we should try to understand them instead of fearing them." - This statement suggests a shift in perspective towards empathy and understanding.
  4. "We've learned a valuable lesson." - This line implies that the students have grown as individuals and are wiser because of their experiences.
  5. "I'll never look at people the same way again." - This quote suggests a lasting change in the students' worldview.
  6. "We were so blinded by our own fear." - This line highlights the students' self-awareness and their recognition of the role fear played in their misjudgment.
  7. "I'm sorry for what we put them through." - This quote demonstrates the students' remorse and willingness to take responsibility for their actions.
  8. "We need to be more open-minded." - This statement emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in preventing future misunderstandings.
  9. "This experience has changed me." - This quote suggests that the students have undergone personal growth and development.
  10. "I'm grateful for the chance to learn from this." - This line indicates a positive outlook on the experience and a willingness to use it as a catalyst for personal growth.

A Tale of Misconception

The fog shrouded the Appalachian cabin, where Tucker and Dale, two harmless hillbillies, enjoyed a peaceful weekend. A group of college students, filled with stereotypes, mistook their innocent activities for sinister plots. Gaslighting, fueled by their own biases, distorted their perceptions, leading to tragic consequences.

Tucker and Dale, horrified by the events, were helpless to prevent the bloodshed. Their peaceful retreat had turned into a nightmare, a stark reminder of the dangers of prejudice and misunderstanding.